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THANK YOU! Thank You! thank you!


The Serenity Prayer reads: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” This prayer is often repeated 12 step meetings such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. However, it is also a wonderful mantra to live our lives by.

The Law Firm of Shapiro Zwanetz & Lake (SZL) also has adopted this prayer for guidance. We understand that in some cases, the facts of those cases are so insurmountable that we cannot secure a not guilty verdict on behalf of our clients. We accept that we cannot win every case. However, we try to exercise the courage to change the things that can be changed such as the outcome of our client’s cases. In other words, although sometimes we know that we cannot secure a not guilty verdict, however, we can still get our clients a good result as to the outcome of their case. Further, our experience has allowed us to exercise the wisdom to know which cases should be tried and which cases should be plead. Either way, I give you our assurance that the attorneys of Shapiro Zwanetz & Lake will fight our hardest to secure our clients the most favorable result possible.

What allows us to get our clients good results is a combination of several factors. The first is experience. I served as an assistant state’s attorney for 4 years. During that time, I tried hundreds of court trials, dozens of jury trials and attended all sorts of continuing legal education schools and seminars. David Zwanetz started as Shapiro Zwanetz & Lake’s first law clerk. All three of us continue to attend the finest trial schools and seminars in the country which helps us keep our edge in doing what we do.

For those of you who have experience as a client of our firm, I want to thank you for your continued referrals of your friends, coworkers, relatives and acquaintances. We are honored to have a referral rate of approximately 90%. Further, I pledge that we will honor your referrals by giving it our all in fighting hard on their behalf for to consistently attain the most favorable result possible.
